“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”.

Join us to volunteer

Ardagh Community Trust was set up by, and continues to be run by local volunteers. ACT invites volunteers to work with the organisation in a wide range of ways. As well as practical volunteering, ACT welcomes local people who are interested in helping to run the charity by becoming a trustee. If you would like to volunteer with ACT, please get in touch by email, hello@theardagh.com or pop in and ask for information at the café or from one of the volunteers on site.


Types of volunteering:



It takes a lot of organisation to host events and activities at The Ardagh. Help is needed with stewarding events, providing first aid and helping coordinate activities as well as the many practical tasks before, during and after the event. 


Site Maintenance

The Ardagh site constantly needs repair and improvement. If you have particular skills you can offer – for example woodwork, metalwork or painting we would love to hear from you.  



Our gardening volunteer groups are coordinated by ACT’s gardener, Steve. The groups  work on a range of projects to improve the public gardens at The Ardagh for the benefit of all site users. As well as practical improvements to the gardens themselves, the group also grows food for the café and a local foodbank, Family Food Action. Currently the gardening groups are full. 


Post Pandemic 2022

Following removal of restrictions required to manage the risk of COVID19 transmission we are now able to offer a range of activities including a monthly Repair Café, weekly Tai Chi, regular outdoor play and a monthly Food & Craft Market.