ACT is a small charity, community anchor organisation and social enterprise which works to improve access to, and the quality of, facilities available at The Ardagh for use by everyone. ACT’s work focuses on our local communities’ wellbeing; every donation helps us to continue our work on a wide range of community-led projects, for the benefit of all who live and work in the Horfield Common area. Donations to support our work are very welcome and very much appreciated. Donations can be made to ACT at any time here or in person at the Café on the Common. All donations are highly valued.

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We could not have coped [during lockdown] without access to have a coffee, walk round gardens & play.
Eli, Local Resident Tweet
Great to have cafe and lots of benches. Love new willow dog free area (little one doesn't like dogs). Flowers always looking lovely. Really helpful to have loos to use.
Leah, Local Resident Tweet
How we use your donations

Children and Young People
ACT is developing a range of activities and facilities in response to existing and emerging need in our local area.
We work with partners including The Outdoors Project Bristol, Hideaway Forest School, Rock Out Baby, Children’s Scrapstore and many more to deliver high quality play and activities provision for children and families including Ofsted-registered childcare and informal parent and child activities.
When possible, ACT provides volunteering placements for young people including those taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at local schools.
ACT works closely with groups including local scout packs, Horfield Welly Toddler Group and others to support increased use of The Ardagh by local people of all ages.
ACT works in partnership with Playful Bristol – whose support we are very grateful for – and is developing a range of play activities and facilities which respond to existing and emerging need in our local area.

Growing Food

ACT’s Gardening Volunteer group grow vegetables in raised planting beds for use in the Café and for donation to Family Food Action (FFA) which is on site weekly on Tuesdays.
Fresh vegetables grown on site are donated by FFA to partners for distribution to families in need in our local area.

Site maintenance presents the charity with a considerable cost per year – excluding the amount for any significant improvements to the quality of facilities at the site. ACT works hard to fundraise for these from external bodies. The public toilets, for example cost approx. £30,000 per year to clean, maintain and keep supplied with soap etc. These facilities are crucial to ensure that all members of our local and wider community are able to enjoy The Ardagh and the surrounding public park.

Older People
ACT works in partnership with organisations citywide to provide activities and opportunities for older people who live locally. Volunteers from Age UK Bristol deliver weekly Tai-Chi sessions and there are volunteering opportunities, monthly Repair Café and site maintenance. We also encourage partnerships with local organisations by providing space for groups to meet, for example, Southmead Development Trust, Bristol Dementia Wellbeing Service and Bristol After Stroke.

ACT provides space for volunteering activities for local groups including Family Food Action, as well as supporting a fantastic team of volunteers who help maintain the site, manage and maintain the beautiful gardens, fix items at the Repair Café and much more! We also host corporate volunteer days which are vital in helping us to keep the site looking spick and span.
Without volunteers the organisation would not be able to provide the range of activities and opportunities it does. Thank you to every one who is working as a volunteer to support others locally.

ACT is committed to improving the quality of the facilities at the Ardagh for people and for wildlife. Since securing the lease for the site in 2019, volunteers have created new planting beds, including large swathes of grassed areas which are now covered in pollinators. ACT has secured grant funding to enable us to improve the amount of rainwater capture we are able to use to water the gardens, create our own compost and reduce waste.
I love having a community centre that has lots of outdoor space and close to home. The beautiful flowers always cheer me up.
Helena, Local Resident Tweet
The café is fantastic and the grounds are lovingly cared for. You’ve done an amazing job!
Kerry, Local Resident